@ Mr. Kamal Bardan,
Well , what happened on 05 June 1967 is not known to me in any satisfactory detail up to the present day despite all what has been written on the subject. I am always furious about what happened and about its closed secrets. The surprise of an Israeli air attack could and should have been avoided that day since everyone knew that the war was unavoidable, and I saw Gamal Abdel-Nasser on the TV few days before saying something like the war is fully expected within few days and we are ready for the upcoming Israeli attack.
Three famous faults happened at two levels, as it has been said and written years after that catastrophic event had taken place.
At the level of the alert for an expected air attack a code should have been received from the Jordanian side, where the Jordanians had a naked-eye observation point where they could see the Israeli fighting crafts going in mass to the west, and they saw it indeed, and transmitted the info to Cairo headquarters, and there was 8 min for the first wave of attack to reach its objectives in Egypt (4 times the time needed to launch the Egyptian air forces to the sky) whoever the code used for info transmission have had been changed one one day before, and info did not reach Cairo headquarters. The solders/officers responsible for info transmission between the two countries through certain secret have had chaged the secret code (there was an agreement to switch it, on both sides, Jordanian and Egyptian, each couple of days); the last change of the code have not been swifted to Cairo, or to Jordan, I do not exactly remember, but nobody knows why there was a room for such mad error? why there should not multiple alert nodes for the transmission of the change of the secret code? was there a traitor(s)?
The fault on the leadership level was that the top Generals of the army were in air by the same time accompanying Adel Hakeem Amer to Sinai, and that fly required an order of fire silence given to the Egyptian air-defense forces, consequently even the Egyptian air-defense guns did not replicated the attacking Israeli air-forces (had some traitor know the future-fly of the Egyptian army head-man, and transmitted it to the Israelis?). Was it a very gross mistake, or an action of traitor(s), at that point? Nobody say a single word to explain it.
The third fault was the complete disorder at the military headquarter in Cairo, after the Israeli air attack, and the wrong decision to withdraw about half a million Egyptian army forces from Sinai with no expectation for the heavy consequences of that decision taken solely, people said, by Abdel-Hakeem Amer, without permission of Abdel-Nasser (but I do not believe that Amer could act solely for such astonishing withdrawal that was massively and highly criticized by the Egyptian population through a flood of thousands of jokes that usually came out when the Egyptians are in front of a very sad event, but that time the sadness was extremely mixed with jokes in a way that we never new before, probably since that very heavy and sudden military defeat was going against all expectations, and even the Israelis did not believe themselves when they reached the Suez Canal after the withdrawal of the Egyptian army form Sinai). The country was boiling but every body among the civilians rejected the defeat and asked for a new preparation to liberate Sinai by force and that is what was done more than 6 years (2191 days) later through the October 1973 was, when the Egyptians too have launched a surprised attack on the Israeli forces in Sinai, and within 6 hours were capable of crossing the Suez Canal and to destroy the extremely fortified Bar Lev Israeli line on the eastern bank of the 160km long Suez Canal.
The strategic panel behind the screen was that the Egyptian army was not enough prepared for a general war against Israel, and there was a wide gap, in military equipment and technology, between the two armies, a gap that the Egyptian military information services did not able to grasp before the June 67 war, the contrary it was ever said that the two armies are comparable, and Israel will lose the upcoming war against Egypt.
Abdel Nasser responsibility was clear since he started the move as if it were a way to practice political pressure on Israel, and he was convinced that there will be no war after he received confirmations from the UN head, the Americans and the Russians, and, at the very start of the whole set of event before June, when he received false alert from the Russians concerning an upcoming Israeli attack on Syria, one month before, and that alert was not real, as it was just a false message transmitted to him from the Russians, in May 1967.
All that scattered pieces of info are horrible, but do not yet justify what happened on the ground.
There still something that has never been revealed.
What is it? I do not know.
Perhaps one day it would be revealed, maybe.
Maybe never!
= = = = =
Those who went to war in the name of Egypt on any occasion must be honored every now and then.
My own brother was on the two wars.
He returned very sad by the end of June 1967 as we were all were extremely sad for that unexpected sudden defeat, and stayed for about couple of months without saying a single word to anybody, he was extremely sad since the massive Egyptian army did not fight at all in June 1967, but received a sudden bash, he was tanks officer.
In 1973, he had the full time and chance to fight for 18 days, and to destroy many Israeli tanks, up till the 24th of October 1973 when he had been seriously wounded in the head by three splints (fragments) of a heavy Israeli bomb that was directed to his tank during in an extremely fierce tank battle.
He was immediately evacuated to Suez hospital, then to Cairo Maadi Military Hospital, where he was operated to take the fragments out from his brain, behind his right-hand side ear.
One fragment was not possible to remove, other wise he would die.
He passed six months fully paralyzed, then six months half-paralyzed, then he completely recovered in a real miracle, with 10% physical damage that persisted until he died, 15 years later, after his October 73 war hit.
= = = = =