I say to him, Yes Sir, you are right, I remarked this fact all my life, and I add, “Self-hatred is an extreme illness that is very widely and deeply propagated among the Zionists, to the same degree as they are ever lying". They believe too that they are free to define who is who, on Earth. They are simply wrong.
They are just living their own racial and expansionist Nazi dream when they add the USA to the list of their properties and possessions; sure they have some real estates and some holding shares therein, but they DO NOT HAVE the USA as a private farm, or as a private asset in their pockets, and they have no means to talk in the name of the USA, unless bibi - benjamin netanyahu - became the president of the USA.
The USA is a great country, a great nation, too much greater, and to much bigger, than the small sizes of their mouthes.
A point more. "Israel" should change its name. The Zionists have given the name of the respectful and beloved Prophet "Israel" (elderly, Jacob) to their racial bloody political and military entity in the ME, just in order to camouflage everybody else.
The prophet Jacob (Israel) is mentioned in both names in the Holy Koran "الكريم القرآن", in Arabic, (Yaacoub and Issraiel, يعقوب وإسرائيل, in Arabic) in several of its very famous Surats ("سور" = جمع "سورة") and in several of its verses ("آيات" = جمع "آية") - that are even very well known to the non-Muslims -, in particular in much niceties through the Surat of "Joseph" = "Yusof", "يوسف" in Arabic; that Surat that gives the details of the story of (Yusof), the son of (Jacob), whose brothers tried to kill, when he was just a very young child, of some seven years old, since they were very jealous, furious and upset of the great and exceptional love of the father (Jacob) to his son (Yusof) more than he loved all his other sons, and the brothers finished by throwing the young child inside a deep dry well in the desert, where some Arab Bedouins have saved him, and delivered him to an Egyptian noble who raised him, etc... the story...) The sons of Jacob practiced their profound hatred against their own young brother, and in the same time they practiced their bottomless hatred and contempt against their own great father who they accused to be foolish enough since he loved (Joseph) more than he loved them all (the prophet Jaboc became blind for some years, until his other sons came to Egypt to ask for food, where, now, their youngest brother (Yusof) became the Minister of the Egyptian "Agriculture and Food Commerce" of the epoch, and they found him at that high position, where he asked them to go back to their father in order to invite him, and all their tribe to Egypt as visitor merchants.)
Since that time and up to the present day, millions of Egyptians have given the name (Yusof) to their own children, as they all love the patient Prophet Yusof, the victim of his own brothers, for his very high ethics, and for his very high and very nice character and his excellent temperament with his traitor brothers.
They may call it the "state of Zionism", as they would like to do, but never the "state of Israel". This is a pure falsification; it is a crime in itself to use the name of a great Prophet to call a political entity, whatever it is.
RAMADAN Kareem ----> ALLH-O Akram
بإذن الله يوماً من الأيام